Dolly Diva Design

Home of fashions for the fashion dolls—currently Gene, Tyler, and Vita. But in future, emphasis will be on designs for the new American Model (Tonner). Manufacturers' outfits, as well as many of the 16±" dolls themselves will be available until they sell out. Patterns for original designs, some from 30s/40s for all the above will also be available. We're going to have a lot of dolly fun here, folks!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Well, well!

Fancy meeting you here!

     Heh heh! Kidding...just kidding! So, I was in the storeroom most of the day yesterday. Found a lot of stuff. I have to take pictures, make a list, figure stuff out, and like that. I will be putting it all up here and letting you know about it on the mailing lists. I now remember the exact places of the Stillwell conven-tions I went to...and I think I have them in the right order. There might be one I'm forgetting...:

Louisville KY— The Derby
Los Angeles CA—
The Ambassador Hotel, Movie Stars
Dallas TX—Oil wells!, 
Fashions in Lucy Gallant, Jane Wyman
Philadelphia PA—Bubbye, IT!
Longbeach CA—the Queen Mary, Mr. Tonner's Visit
San Francisco CA area—"Balenciaga" says it all

     Those last two were Sandra Stillwell's productions without a manufacturer behind her. They were won-derful. Maybe even wonderfuller!
     You might be surprised at this, but I also did some ordering and buying during those conventions! AND I have taken very few of those ladies out of their boxes. Ever. Bad case of eyes bigger than my doll room.
     Now. About the business part. I don't want to put prices on things. I want you to make offers and the item goes to the highest offer on it, as long as I think it is not too low. I expect people to be honest in offering what they are willing to pay. I think we all know ballpark what things are worth, no?
     Does that sound fair? As an example, I have had an offer for each of two items and the prices were fair to me and obviously to the buyer since they offered what they thought was proper. I don't really like bidding. I don't think that bidding is a good idea. 
     If everyone offers what they a) think is a fair price for the item, and b) no more than they can afford, then I get the going rate more or less, the buyer gets the item for what is offered, and other offerers don't spend more than they can afford as they might in the heat of real bidding. As for me, I won't tell anyone what was paid. That is up to the buyer to do if it is important to the person to tell!
     If anyone has a better idea, please let me know—I'll consider all methods put forward.
     PayPal will be the order of the day for payment method. That way if anyone from another country wants to buy, PayPal can do the work of money changing!  
     If you want to contact me, send me an order or offer to buy at "dollydivadesigns dot gmail dot com"—I just set it up and it's open for communicating concerning anything and every-thing "dolly"! Looking forward to communicating!!

Monday, May 18, 2015

This is purely to show pictures 

of Ms. Gene Marshall 

in her Hatbox Persona w/duds!

Here she is:

Her evening coat is folded back and under, as is her skirt in front, to show all the layers and the lining.


The weirdness in the lower corners? Trying to block—without access to my Photoshop at present—the toes of the husband's shoes as he shot from the top! ;D

The crushed top and some loosening at the bottom of the hat box is all damage sustained in shipping the doll from the convention to me. The pretty part, around the sides, is in fine shape!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Well, I know I love doll people now... if I didn't always! There has been so much wonderful response to my posts. Anyone who loves things that are beautiful and wants to surround themselves with them, gotta be kinda nice, doncha think? That's my take on the whole matter. Of course, the fact that they are fun and interesting as well helps a lot. ;D about that Derby! Those horses giving it everything they've got just thrilled me to the middle of my mind and heart. Being born a Kentuckian, maybe that's sorta what I'm supposed to feel like. Don't know—but it's there, even though I only lived in the state off and on for about eight-plus years total. 

I do love horses, but then if a critter's got four feet (or at least is supposed to) and fur (ditto), I'm loving it. I'm animal-less—starting 2013 October 3—for the first time since I can't remember when. Maybe for the time I was away at college but not any more than that! My family always had a critter to two around and when I got my first apartment in grad school I got a kitty first thing. For years I had two dogs and three cats. When an older "baby" passed on, there always seemed to be a little one mewing or whining at the door needing a mommy. You can read the sad tale of my last kitty's demise here—if you don't think it will make you too sad. It gets to me every time I look at that lovely little face, I have to say.

Enough of sadness! I am very happy to be finding homes for my lovely girls and all their stuff. I'm very pleased to see all the interest. I am also quite ashamed that I hollered "wolf"—"Gene"?—before I was 100% ready. The workpersons have come and gone. I have a lovely new cooking space and lots more storage than before. 

As interesting additions to the situation, a relative from SO CAL dropped by on Tuesday night (that would be May 5) and by interesting coincidence a couple of family folks from north of us stopped in for lunch on Wednesday (yep, May 6) on their way to some sort of conference near here. Since the the water in the kitchen was turned off the day before so the pipes would drain by the time they ripped out the sink on the 6th, needless to say we went OUT for lunch!

However, they all understood the situation and I now have a lovely kitchen! I love my relatives to pieces, and with visitors to entertain and be entertained by, I wasn't be sitting around freaking while the workpersons were pounding and ripping and sawing and so forth. All around win-win!

All this by way of saying I haven't had a lot of time to dig around in the storeroom to check out where everything is, sorting out what I want to keep and listing what I will be offering to you all! But starting tomorrow, it'll be me in the storeroom finding treasures for Y'ALL!!! 

Stay tuned! (Do broadcast people still say that? I don't listen to the radio that much and, uh, don't watch TV—don't have a set or an iPad or anything. Please don't report me to the media police!!!)

Friday, May 1, 2015

Humbled it is that I am...

All of you who have visited me? Thanks!

I am very happy to be finding homes for my lovely girls and all their stuff. I'm very pleased to see all the interest. I am also quite ashamed that I hollered "wolf"—"Gene"?—before I was 100% ready. So I will tell you now, I knew that work-persons were coming to the house to rip out all the kitchen cabinets and put in new ones on May 6. I knew that I had to get everything out of those cabinets and put, uh, put, ummm, put somewhere else, location tbd. Oh, and they are turning off the water in the kitchen on the 5th so the pipes will drain by the time they rip out the sink on the 6th. Ayeeeeeeeee. 

Please wait patiently until I have no workmen and use the time to decide what you might like to have and send me a request. Then if I have it, I will tell you what I want for it and you can pay it or make a counter offer. If I find that I can accept your offer, we will conclude the transaction. If I find that I cannot, I will tell you so and why. We will continue the discussion, concluding quickly and efficiently and I will go to the USPS or UPS and have your purchase on your doorstep in a efficient and timely manner.

As soon as my kitchen is operational and workperson-free, I will bring out all the dolly boxes, rummage, search and list, list, list. Then when requests come, I can answer them briskly with such information as: whether or not I have an item, how many of them I have, what I would like to receive in return for shipping the item or items to you in a timely manner and all like that—actually doing things in a businesslike and orderly manner!

Remodeling is a bother! Oh well. Sigh. I will have a lovely kitchen when it's over. Right? Oh how I hope so!

All this by way of saying I will really be doing a lot of DDD business, sorting out what I want to keep and listing what I will be offering to you all—starting tomorrow! 

Stay, as they say (do they still say?), tuned! I'm very happy to have found a need out there that I feel qualified to meet and which will make me happy enough to sigh with relief when all is said and done. I have no space and too many dolls. You all have need of dolls and their accoutrements. The dolls and their accoutrements have need of a loving home. That seems to be the way we need to be heading.

So forgive my underestimation of the response to my offering and give me a bit of a breather better to prepare. Let's just call this period Preview of Coming Attractions and go with the list I have, uh, listed on the April 30 (previous) posting. Then let's say that when I have got all my pigeons in the cote, I will make the announcement. I will be ready with lists and answers and information and a thorough knowledge of my "stock"—with pictures, yet—and then, with the sound of trumpets...well maybe no trumpets...I will reopen Dolly Diva Designs and have stock, sorted and in order, to present to the teeming throng.


Love you guys!