Okay, y'all! Are you ready for
DDD Boutique Opening Day?...
The countdown is counting down! I am ready but sorta scared! It's like opening night—without knowing how the tickets are going! ;D What if nobody comes? Well, just like The Theatah, the show must go on, right? Once, when the orchestra went on strike—before my union AGMA, more of which later, was allied with the musicians' union (see? they call people that play instruments you can see "musicians" but those of us who have to rely on our own internal instruments, i.e. singers are called just that: "singers" but hey, that must be better than just plain musicians, no? Yeah!!)—Don Giovanni was performed with just two pianos as accompaniment. I was still in the "auxiliary" chorus (i.e. unpaid) and our services weren't needed in this small-chorus opera...so I just went to the rehearsals to watch.
Sherrill Milnes |
Side note: the Don was played by Sherrill Milnes, a very virile and handsome baritone—which you can see for yourself—and of whom you will hear more at a later date, i.e., in another post, with another picture. Hee hee. At one point, escaping an angry father of one of his conquests, he swung across the stage on a chandelier from a balcony (part of the set) to a waiting carriage and escaped. Very exciting that, even without an orchestra!
Okay, back to the subject at hand: Dolly Diva Design actual truly real Opening Day—and wonder of wonders, on time!!! One hitch. I don't really have any pictures to show you. Yet. I have to hit up the resident male (husband of all trades) to do the photographic duties. I will have to tell you, what I have unearthed so far is not a large selection. I probably would be better off waiting till a major trove has been unearthed in storage. However, I have been promising now for actual YEARS, y'know? Yes, of course you do! So I thought, just this once, [back of hand to furrowed brow] I should come through with a real live kept promise.
So it's here. It's now...well, day after tomorrow, anyway—I have Spanish class and Writers Group tonight in which I'm presenting a slew of me "pomes." Yeah. I'm into poetry too. I've never had just one subject of interest and pursuit. And just you wait till my novel comes out...and wait and wait and ...
So okay! Enough for now. I've got works to do, y'know? I will see you on opening day???
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