Dolly Diva Design

Home of fashions for the fashion dolls—currently Gene, Tyler, and Vita. But in future, emphasis will be on designs for the new American Model (Tonner). Manufacturers' outfits, as well as many of the 16±" dolls themselves will be available until they sell out. Patterns for original designs, some from 30s/40s for all the above will also be available. We're going to have a lot of dolly fun here, folks!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Hi peoples! News of sorts here:

     I am going to open up the "store" portion of DDD (that would be Dolly Diva Design from henceforth and forever-more when it appears within these pages) with not months and months of delay but, even if there is one, it will be merely one or two weeks at the most. I have had, this time, a perfectly legit excuse. (See February 28th post for an explanation). I find clearing out space is difficult when I am in perfect physical condition. With this knee-to-beyond-the-toes cast on the right leg, it is difficult in the extreme. However, tomorrow, I will be freed of this encumbrance! Is that wonderful? Oh, so very!! 

     I have been making great progress—just much more slowly than I had hoped. Clumping about on the encased appendage for the last seven weeks has been both awkward and tiring, so I couldn't work as easily as I would have been able to do in an able-bodied condition. Heh!

     However, I do find that when I am resting from my labors, I am still thinking of all the things there are to do...and coming up with what seem to me—before actually being able to test my theories—perfectly splendid ideas about what to do with many of the dolly items I am "unearthing" in this process. 

     I also have another "pusher" behind me. It seems that we are to have our kitchen cabinets replaced—all of them, starting the 5th of May—not my idea but I'll leave it at that.

     That lights an even brighter fire under me. If any of you all have gone through such an experience you will understand that statement! It seems a bit daunting to me to say the least, but I am promising that I will have something up on this blog before I do the prep for the kitchen cabinet thing. I'm thinking it will be something important like the ... WAIT! What am I thinking???!!! 

     Sorry. I won't spoil the surprise. You will have to read the official announcement—with pictures remember?—when it appears here as well as on the doll mailing lists. 

     So stand by all. I've promised not to promise anymore but just deliver! Will I? Won't I? The suspense? Building yet?


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