Dolly Diva Design

Home of fashions for the fashion dolls—currently Gene, Tyler, and Vita. But in future, emphasis will be on designs for the new American Model (Tonner). Manufacturers' outfits, as well as many of the 16±" dolls themselves will be available until they sell out. Patterns for original designs, some from 30s/40s for all the above will also be available. We're going to have a lot of dolly fun here, folks!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

I'm puzzled... 

Lots of people have dropped by, at least that's what the statistics say, but nobody talks to me! Should I just talk to myself here? Let's see... ummm... er... (looks at nails... needs manicure... hides nails)... I wonder... no... (starts to look at nails again... stops...looks around...widens eyes...)

Hey. So much for that idea—how about this one!

Contest alert: Aoogah, Aoogah, Aoogah! All hands on deck!  

Rules—Phase 1. Write a short blurb in the comments section of this post telling us why you like the sophisticated fashion dolls (15.5" - 22") and why you picked the version you have the most of. What draws you to your favorites? Looks? Posability? Clothes available? Best to repaint? All or none of the above? 
             Phase 2: I will choose the entries (at least one but no more than three) that seem to be the most interesting and contact the writers, inviting them to expand on their ideas. Their entries, expanded or as is, maybe with my comments included, will become a blog entry. However, everybody who writes in will receive a prize. I won't tell you what the prize will be...that will be a "sur"prize!

Winner(s) will like the first prize I'm sure, I say on behalf of all the extremely talented doll people who contributed the photos and articles found in it. You may even know some of those contributors. There is the pattern in the center fold (mentioned above and in the previous entry) for a Gene/ Tyler/Vita/??? sized doll. There is also an separate copy of the printed pattern enclosed so the magazine will remain intact and you will still be able to use the pattern! 

Confession: I didn't think of that on purpose. I just screwed up the size when I ordered the magazine printed so it's about 94% of the true pattern size. But the insert is better anyway because you don't have to cut up your magazine! See? Things tend to work out if you just stay calm and ask for help. The printer said no problem, he'd just run a print of that one page at 100% and everything turned out hunky-dory! 

Let's say, getting back to contest business, I must have your entry, identified as "comment entry" in my computer by Friday midnight (your local time) of March 6, 2015. Send it to me, Shirley, at ladymacregor at gmail dot com.

So let's hear your best story about The Doll that.....

I'm waiting impatiently! ;D


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