Dolly Diva Design
Home of fashions for the fashion dolls—currently Gene, Tyler, and Vita. But in future, emphasis will be on designs for the new American Model (Tonner). Manufacturers' outfits, as well as many of the 16±" dolls themselves will be available until they sell out. Patterns for original designs, some from 30s/40s for all the above will also be available. We're going to have a lot of dolly fun here, folks!
Saturday, February 28, 2015
So with all this? Once again, I missed my own deadline. You all will never believe me ever again, so I'm making no promises and that's it.If I ever get things going? I'll let you know. Till then? Not a single word. Not a single letter. About dolls or anything even the slightest bit of a hint about dolls will appear on this blog. I'll talk about the weather. I'll talk about the news (not really—too depressing). I may not talk at all; just post some pix or some such. Maybe about singing. Maybe about opera and singing it. Maybe about who knows what! Most of all, no countdown clock!
If you ever come back here? It will be to see what horror has befallen me next, no doubt. However, if you are still reading and you want to send in a doll story? The rules from the last entry still apply.
So, see you and if I ever get back on track? Look for the news of it all on the doll sites, 'kay? Till next time, love to whomever (whoever?) is reading this.
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