Dolly Diva Design

Home of fashions for the fashion dolls—currently Gene, Tyler, and Vita. But in future, emphasis will be on designs for the new American Model (Tonner). Manufacturers' outfits, as well as many of the 16±" dolls themselves will be available until they sell out. Patterns for original designs, some from 30s/40s for all the above will also be available. We're going to have a lot of dolly fun here, folks!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Okay, I did finish my "novel" — that is, I completed the 50,000 word minimum required to "win" (everyone who did the minimum at least is a "winner")—I did that plus some 3,000 more! I am still amazed. But the thing is not much more than just that: a bunch of words run together with a story embedded therein. Somewhere. I think. It is a VERY ROUGH draft. But it is a beginning. It will be a long slog to finish it. Then polish it. Then revise it. Then polish it again. Then... and like that. There is a winner banner and a winner button (see above) that I am entitled to use to prove I attempted and then completed this amazing feat (for me) of concentrated writing (and that's all it signifies, by the way, so don't be impressed—yet!). At least my husband likes my story enough to be enthusiastic about it. I think he was shocked that I actually stuck to it and did it! This may suprise you all as well, but I often take a great long time to finish what I start...I know you might find that hard to believe....heh heh....five plus years to get a blog underway and still not fulfilling its stated purpose!

As I work on the "novel", I'll have to take a lot of Dolly Breaks! (Shocking fact: I do not drink coffee. I am a Tea-Totaller! So it's a Dolly or Tea I'll be Breaking with...see?

Anyway, now that I have done the month of November attempting to begin to start to become a novelist I will dub the month of December as Dolly Diva Design Month. Note the alliteration? It's a sign! It will happen. Just like I did all 50,000+ words. I hope. We'll get this show on the road, or sink beneath the flood of boxes of dollies struggling to be free. I will do dolls to rest my brain from all that word-smithing. So coming up? DoDiDeMo! Get it? Great! Right?

Check back here now and then and if you're on any fashion doll e-mail list, check in there now and then as well. Stand by, cross your fingers and let's see what happens!

DoDiDeMo, here we come!....

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