Dolly Diva Design

Home of fashions for the fashion dolls—currently Gene, Tyler, and Vita. But in future, emphasis will be on designs for the new American Model (Tonner). Manufacturers' outfits, as well as many of the 16±" dolls themselves will be available until they sell out. Patterns for original designs, some from 30s/40s for all the above will also be available. We're going to have a lot of dolly fun here, folks!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Now that it has been firmly established...

that I am NOT a novelist, I am back to the serious subject of this blog: Dolly Diva Design. That is, providing designs for the miniature divas so that their insatiable desire for wonderful gowns, chic suits, elegant cocktail dresses, glamourous casual outfits, attractive sport clothes and like that, which they have been less than patiently awaiting since this blog was begun and for which it came into being in the first place. 

I will venture, once more, to predict that this true purpose is not as far in the offing as those who have patiently, or even impatiently or possibly feel it is in vain they have waited for the actualization of this event to occur.  

I am not promising anything, remember, until I have real and present articles of clothing to offer for the wee women and, in some cases, the wee women themselves, with pictorial proof of same appearing somewhere in your immediate vicinity, dear readers. Keeping that fact firmly in mind, here is a bit of information you might find of interest. The first things slated for offer here will be the outfits in which many of the ladies—some with said ladies actually in them, if anyone so desires—came clothed from their point of manufacture. 

I have entirely too many of these creatures to be able to take care of them all in the manner to which they are entitled, not to mention which they demand. They have not failed to remind me of this in a constant and consistant, though silent, remonstrance daily, nay, hourly as they stand about or, worse yet, languish in their boxes, worse still, in my closets or—horror, woe—the garage, even though they are carefully wrapped and protected from any dust or other dangers. Many of them have never even seen the light of day. Those are the ones that are hoarse from constant yelling at me about something something neglected something something unfair and like that.

So, not writing novels a done deal, I am at last prepared to begin to start to put together this blog as a source of supply for your current fashion mini-divas, and for filling in holes in your collections of original clothing or special convention outfits, accessories and clothed dolls of the past say, fifteen or so years, such as  Gene Marshall, Madra Lord, or Violet Waters, for example, and others more recently arrived on the scene. The Tonner ladies are also in the lineup in various outfits, a couple of which are Thèatre de la Mode numbers, for example. Then there is the amazingly posable and adorable Vita and company with a whole new vista opening before us—not to mention a whole new list of wants and must haves. Sigh. All that is needed is to bring them forth, fluff up their hairdos and steam their outfits and they will be ready for presentation. If they have never left their boxes, they will have to remain as is until they reach their new homes. 

The month of December will be spent cataloging, preping and photographing these ladies—or at least the ones who are thoroughly disgusted with me and insist on departing for other locales. They long for the limelight and public display where they will be appreciated properly and not kept in some dark and confining BOX, for heaven's sake, but put out where they can be admired—and catered to, please.

So, things are looking up here at Dolly Diva Designs, now that the only things remotely "novel" will be putting these ladies out where they can be given proper attention and provided with the numberless items with which they can be adorned and in which their beauty and charm can be properly displayed. 

Stay tuned!

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