Dolly Diva Design

Home of fashions for the fashion dolls—currently Gene, Tyler, and Vita. But in future, emphasis will be on designs for the new American Model (Tonner). Manufacturers' outfits, as well as many of the 16±" dolls themselves will be available until they sell out. Patterns for original designs, some from 30s/40s for all the above will also be available. We're going to have a lot of dolly fun here, folks!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hello there...

Yes, it has been a long time since I last wrote. No, I am not yet ready to open "Dolly Diva Designs, the Shop". Yes, I still intend to do so at some point in my life...but since that life seems harder to get hold of than a puddle of mercury and more trouble to arrange than putting ants in a box, I'm having a bit of organizational difficulty. You see, my staff (that would be me) is still trying to dig out from under moving boxes (I know I've now lived in this house since June 19, 2012. Shut up!) full of, would you believe, fabric and dolls and doll accoutrements (I'm saying it in French, okay? I LIKE French).

BUT here's the deal: I am going to have it all put together by the end of May, and then....

We'll see what happens. 

I have decided that my dolly life now belongs to the Tonner Goth American Model of 2012(?), whichever was the first one—or at least the first one I noticed enough to have to buy. She's the really sexy one in the black lace undies. (I have to keep her out of my husband's line of sight to avoid drool stains.) But what is now the plan, you ask? To make her the doll for whom I make the copies of my concert gowns and the occasional opera costume, as well as for whom I will design original frocks (she, being the requesting patron, will decide what sort of frocks those will be out of which of the myriad fabrics we have in stock). I will be careful to make patterns for those frocks and adjust them for the 16"(± increments of inches) ladies, to make them available in pattern form for those who care to make them to their own standards of couture, haute or otherwise. I will also try to make a few dresses for the shorter ladies as well for those who don't really themselves relish the act of stitching up/keeping up with the wardrobe demands of their dollies.

I will be leaving hats, purses, gloves, and so on mostly to other providers, though I will essay the occasional accessory or set thereof when Ms. Goth decides to throw a fit because absolutely nothing she sees matches what is in her mind's eye. Sheesh. Sometimes, these girls... oh never mind.

Anyway, just thought I ought to keep in touch with my, readers. *smiles widely, bats eyelashes* So am doing so here. Once again, when the goods—at least the ones I've managed to pry temporarily out of the clutches of Ms. Goth—are in my hot little hands, they will be photographed, sketched out, or otherwise illustrated for your benefit and announced on the dolly pages. Until that utopian moment arrives, I will keep in touch here.

Bye all!

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