Dolly Diva Design

Home of fashions for the fashion dolls—currently Gene, Tyler, and Vita. But in future, emphasis will be on designs for the new American Model (Tonner). Manufacturers' outfits, as well as many of the 16±" dolls themselves will be available until they sell out. Patterns for original designs, some from 30s/40s for all the above will also be available. We're going to have a lot of dolly fun here, folks!

Monday, April 29, 2013

So When Do I Start to SEW?

I've been very busy cleaning out my sewing room, deciding which dolls to keep as models and which to repaint to sell and which to sell just to get some space to when do I start to SEW?

Designing, sewing, making scenery or at least photo-shoot sets, taking the photos, in short the art part of all this dolly thing is what I really want to do. I have enough material to make doll fashions for zillions of dolls and no time to make even one outfit. How discouraging is that?!

But also how challenging, I say to my Self. Self is a bit of a complainer and I have to buck her up now and again with a big talking-to. Now is one of those times. Self does not want to clean out the sewing room. Self does not want to go through the boxes and decide which dolls need to be sent to homes where they will be appreciated instead of staying in there in the dark—most of them "stitch-starch nekkid"—waiting patiently ( I hope!) for their moment in the limelight. They are movie stars, fashion designers, models, even the odd superhero like Batman and Wonder Woman. How long can they stay tucked away from the fame, glamor and intrigue they are meant to enjoy? And for which they must be dressed to perfection? What a responsibility I have! If only Self would cooperate, even just a little.

It is a battle, I must say. But I am willing to fight it, if only to remind Self that "a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, then your poverty will come as a robber and your want like an armed man." Eek! Scary, I say—very, very scary! I do know that Self is frightened ridiculously of poverty. If anything will get her up off her...uh...chair, the thought of having to give up ALL of her little pleasures... the occasional ice cream sundae or chocolate eclair, a good show at a good local theatre company once in a while, going to a really nice restaurant on her birthday (she hopes DH is reading this blog as that particular day is hovering on the near horizon)...are dear to her heart. I'll give her some credit. She isn't really much of a spendthrift although I do claim about 2/3rds of the dollies I have too many of are her fault! We won't go into the "props" she buys at thrift stores and on e-Bay! And did I mention the fashion books???

Well, sometimes, even with the threat of poverty hanging over her (and therefore MY) head, a little sleep, a little slumber is what we really need right now.

So, see you soon—and when next we meet, I really will have started to SEW!!!

(And I'd better as I have set myself to get this shop on the web in a mere....eeeeek!....twenty days!)

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Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I've got a new computer—so I'm happy again!

Now, with my refurbished 2010 model MacBook Pro, I have no reason not to write lots and often. Well, maybe I could use the excuse that I am setting up the Dolly Diva Design Boutique, right? Well, I suppose I could, if that were truly the actual truth. However, I am about to begin the beginning. I know, I know, time is flying by and perhaps I will be forced, once again, to put aside a few more days, nay, weeks to prepare for the Grand Opening. However, I do know now what I'll be doing with that extra time. With the brand new Gene recently introduced to the world, there may be a need for some very high class gowns for the lady. Therefore, I will be forced to produce at least one new creation. I was going to start by selling off the original Gene's things but in honor of the new Miss Marshall, I do think I will produce a new design to celebrate the occasion. 

Tax Day did sort of set me back a bit. It always takes much longer to do taxes, even with two of us working together, than I think it will. But now that's over for another year and I can get down to business.

So, with a (nearly) new computer and the coming of Spring, I am inspired to get this show on the road.

Ready? Set! Let's GO!!!

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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hello, folks!

Sadly, it appears that my little laptop (Toshiba w/Windows 7 Home version) has bitten the dust on a permanent basis. It happened about 3 months ago but I was able to get it up and running by sacrificing everything on it! This time, being a learner (albeit a slow one), I put all my saving sort of things in a Dropbox so it didn't get lost. But sure enough, the Toshiba crashed again and this time refuses to respond at all. So now to make the decision: do I buy another Windows machine or return to my (much more expensive) first love—a Mac? I think it will be the Mac, expensive but more reliable. Besides I have three old G4s I can use as storage hard drives. They don't do Airport so I can't tie into the house wireless system without elaborate cables run from my computer area over hill and dale to my husband's server. Thus, I need a newer model. But I love Macs and have had them since my first in 1989 (gasp) until I had to have the wireless thing. Now, I will have my Macs and wireless too! In the meantime, I'm using the husband's machine. 

However, let's escape from the land of computer horrors to more interesting dolly-type things...

I am finally ready to put the doll room together. Are you amazed, readers mine? Well, you should be. It's, like, we needed another house to put our books in but we have finally got most of what we really don't need out of here and what we're keeping into the garage. A car? A car is supposed to fit in there? Who knew! Just kidding. This is California so we don't worry so much about cars in garages, at least not in our neighborhood! It's just a convenient, oversized junk room at our house which also happens to have a washer and dryer in it. But a car....? Not a chance! 

So far the books are in cardboard boxes but we envision shelves, to be much like our own personal library. Unfortunately, we will not be able to afford a librarian, though we probably would need two or even three! We both like books, you see, and I have several interests, dolls and vintage fashions (30s and 40s mostly), sewing, costume design, and like that. Then there are all the books on history and writing and art and music. That doesn't count the scores of scores (music, that is) which must find a home somewhere near enough to the piano so that I don't have to drive 10 miles to get what I need to learn for a gig, should one arise. All of the subjects require books, books, books and more books. I LOVE THEM. So does the husband and of course on different subjects so we don't share each other's books that much... You get the picture?

Oh wait. I did promise dolly talk. So I will invite anyone who wants to start a topic, ask me a question about the supposed boutique which has been promised for a couple of eons but which has yet to begin, or just talk about a pet project of your own, to make use of the comments section. I will be monitoring submissions so that we won't be inundated with spamish sorts of stuff and can stick to that in which we are truly interested, 'kay?

As for my own dolly stuff, I have told you that I am interested in making miniatures of my concert gowns. But I also have several Lutterloh sets from the late 30s and 40s which I want to try to make for my dolls. If I am successful, I will make copies of the patterns I use for the dolls and put them up for sale in the sewing section of the proposed boutique. I probably won't make more than one or two copies of the outfits themselves, as in sewing them—one for my doll of choice, the Tonner American Model Goth 2011, and one or two others  for Gene or Tyler to put in the boutique. 

What will go in the boutique first will be my excess Genes, Madras, and I think I'll even let my Violets go—at least one or two. Also, most of the clothes that came from Ashton Drake and a lot of the Integrity stuff as well will go into the boutique. I am more interested in my own designs, vintage stuff, and copies of my gowns than I am the original clothing that came on the dolls. I know they are lovely but one only has so much space one's life and abode, no? 

So my doll friends, do leave a note about what particular interest you have in these fashionable dolly divas...clothes, sewing, vintage stuff, design, what? I think a lot of us just still like to play with dolls. I know that's part of it for me. I didn't have dolls or toys much in evidence when I was a kid...too much bouncing about from pillar to post. Now I'd like to make up for that so when the larger ladies came to be, Gene et alia and then the American Model, I have stopped my searching and am ready to begin playing! And playing and playing and playing! 

The reason for the boutique is to share that play with other superannuated kids like me. If not now, when, eh?

Hope to hear from you all soon, okay?

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