Dolly Diva Design
Home of fashions for the fashion dolls—currently Gene, Tyler, and Vita. But in future, emphasis will be on designs for the new American Model (Tonner). Manufacturers' outfits, as well as many of the 16±" dolls themselves will be available until they sell out. Patterns for original designs, some from 30s/40s for all the above will also be available. We're going to have a lot of dolly fun here, folks!
Change of plans...
Okay. The Dolly Diva Designs Boutique, about which I have been blogging from the bl, is on hold once again. Why? Because of the HYLAG Newsletter Project! I don't have time to sew now. I've got to write, gather writers, edit, gather something to edit, and put out a superkeen newsletter/magazine by January 15. I keep signing up for stuff that takes T*I*M*E. The time it takes is the time I would have for putting up the Design and Boutique parts of Dolly Diva Designs Boutique!
So. Once again, after having sworn I would open on December 1, said day finds me with nothing to open and nothing to open with—oh, things aplenty; photos thereof, NONE. So I'm putting the whole Boutique project on hold till I get out the first issue of the Newsletter, 'kay? I'm thinking I should look at February. But instead I'm planning on January 29. Dumb, huh?
I'm also toying with the idea of going to the final Gene convention so I can write it up for the newsletter. Been wanting to do something like that for a looooong time. We'll see, won't we?
Doll News, Here We Come!
I have accepted the job of editing a Gene Marshall (and cohort) newsletter for the Yahoo Group HLAYG Club (go to the site or see my 10/27/09 post below for a spelling out of the acronym) following the shocking news from Mel Odom that he will be terminating the production of these dolls with the models of the current run. There will be a final farewell convention in Philadelphia in June but that will be the end of the line for the famous Gene Marshall, Girl Star, and all the other "people" who have joined her since her introduction.
The two HLAYG group proprietors and many of the most active members as well as a few lurkers have decided to continue the group to support Gene fans (collectors, from those with a few dolls to true fanatics, somewhere in between which I count myself ) and provide a place where we still can trade information, stories, pictures, patterns and so on having to do with all Genes et alia, from her inception in the mid-1990s up to the time in which they will no longer be produced.
The idea of the newsletter appealed to me as a moderate collector but also as a desktop publisher by current (and pre-music) profession.
So now we are deciding exactly what we want the newsletter to contain, having decided it will be produced in pdf and will live on the group's internet presence in the Club's Files Section.
I am collecting ideas, suggestions, offers of contributions of publishable items—articles, how-tos, photos, designs, drawings, patterns, etc.—for the premier issue as well as other issues down the line. We plan to publish the premier issue on January 15 or thereabouts with an online Launch Party! If anyone wants to get in on the fun, just go to the HLAY Club (link above) and apply to join the group!
There will be information about the project (GENE NEWSLETTER INFORMATION) and a questionnaire (GENE NEWLETTER QUESTIONNAIRE) in the file section for any new members—or current members who have misplaced the original e-mails. Deadline for submission of replies to the questionaire is 11/30.
If you miss the deadline, I'll just consider your answers/submissions/etc. for the NEXT issue!