Dolly Diva Design

Home of fashions for the fashion dolls—currently Gene, Tyler, and Vita. But in future, emphasis will be on designs for the new American Model (Tonner). Manufacturers' outfits, as well as many of the 16±" dolls themselves will be available until they sell out. Patterns for original designs, some from 30s/40s for all the above will also be available. We're going to have a lot of dolly fun here, folks!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm back and I'm ready to begin two immense projects:

Project A — TAXES!
Project B — GENE:Keeping the Dream Alive!, Vol. 1 No. 2, the SPRING Issue

Has it really been two months since I wrote anything here? Yes, indeedy, it has. Much has transpired and much is same ol' same ol' — there are some interesting points but they stick up like lone pines through a low-lying fog.

The first issue of GENE:etc. was quite well received. So much so that I'm worried that the second might not measure up. Not that I don't have good stuff to put in; au contraire, I have lovely stuff to put in and may even write up an article myself. Of course, should someone wander by the blog before publication, I won't be going into any detail at the present moment. Let's just say that there is a lot of human interest in what might be appearing in the SPRING issue!

Now, hi ho hi ho it's off to work I go...

By the way, exactly how does one spell "High Hoe" hmmmmm?


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